Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Toy sale on Amazon (and a quick update)

I am still running on limited computer time, but that will definitely be resolved over the weekend, so be sure to look for regular posts to return in the next week.

However, I wanted to be sure to share this sale with all of you. The following links are affiliate links, meaning if you click on them and make a purchase, Amazon may pay me a very small percentage of your total.  This is at no additional cost to you and is the main way I get any sort of payment through my blog, so it is greatly appreciated when you do it :)

Amazon is currently holding a toy sale, with up to 50% off Fisher Price toys.  Here are some of my favorites:

Fisher-Price Imaginext Mega T-Rex (list price $44.99, sale price $22.49, free shipping with Prime or $35 purchase)

Fisher-Price Little People Wheelies Garage (list price $27.99, sale price $13.99, free shipping with Prime or $35 purchase)

Fisher-Price Octonauts Gup-E Vehicle (list price $15.99, sale price $7.99, free shipping with Prime or $35 purchase)

Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Magic Scan Market (list price $31.99, sale price $16.79, free shipping with Prime or $35 purchase)

Mike the Knight: Glendragon Castle Playset (list price $34.99, sale price $16.98, free shipping with Prime or $35 purchase)