Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall theme lunch

 Last week I shared my Under the Sea themed lunch I served to the kids for lunch.  I have made it a goal to serve a fun-themed lunch every Monday, so this week, I chose a Fall theme.  I started with Ants on a Log for the tree trunk.  I had to slice a thin bit off the back side of the celery to make it lay flat on the plate.  Then I laid out 3 honey wheat pretzel sticks for the tree branches.  Regular pretzel sticks would also work.  Somewhere I own a small, leaf shaped cutter and I had envisioned using it to cut the leaves, but unfortunately, I could not locate it so I attempted to cut the deli meat and cheese free hand.  I had the deli cut me 1/2" slices of roast beef, turkey, and ham.  I would have had them cut the cheese the same way, but I already had some sliced cheese at home.  In the future, I would probably have the slices cut 1/4"  and just stack them together like I did the cheese.  I made four plates of these and still have well over 1/2 of each meat slice left.  For sun, I put a drop of ranch dressing on a slice of yellow squash and placed it on the plate.  You do not need the ranch, but it made for a nice surprise for the kids.  I then placed Clementine segments around it for the rays.  You could probably use mandarin oranges as well, but I prefer fresh fruit.  I then gave them a few jelly pumpkins for dessert.  I served apple cider for the beverage.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea, Danielle! Food should (if at all possible) please the eye as well as the palate and offer decent nutrition. You have it all here.

    Agape always,
