1) Make gifts for Cameron's teachers- When I gathered the stuff I needed, I realized I was missing one of the key ingredients. I did do the parts I could and will finish these tomorrow evening. I am taking them off the list, even though they are not done, because I NEED to finish them by Wednesday morning and, aside from going to the store, they will only take about 15 minutes (or less) to finish.
2) De-clutter and organize "my corner". -I failed on this one as well, but I did get it half-way done. I will carry this goal over to next week.
5) Complete 2 lesson plans.- I didn't even get 1 completed, but I am going to work on them tonight until I have both done. I am removing this from the goal list, but it may come back another time,
7) Read Asher of Bethlehem: The Story of a Young Beggar, His Best Friend, and the Birth of an Extraordinary Child
9) Continue cleaning out my e-mails.- I cleared out a ton of e-mail. I still have a bunch to go, but I am making progress. Some have asked why I don't just delete the whole bunch of them. Here is why: this week, I came across an e-mail from October 2010. It was payment for a blog post I had written and then forgot about the e-giftcard they were supposed to send. It was for a significant amount so I am glad I did not just do a mass delete. This will also carry over.
10) Bake 2 loaves of bread this week.- I did not get this done in the manner I wanted, but the dough is rising now for 2 loaves and I will bake them this evening. I had hoped to bake the 2 loaves on different days, but this works for me too. I can't cross the goal off yet, but it will be done by tonight so I am not carrying it over.
Now for this week's goals:
1) De-clutter and organize "my corner".- See note above
2) Finish reading Asher of Bethlehem: The Story of a Young Beggar, His Best Friend, and the Birth of an Extraordinary Child
3) Read The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage
4) Write 4 non-sponsored/non-review blog posts.- This may seem lofty in light of the lack of posting I have done over the past several months, but I think I can do it.
5) Take the older girls to the local library for geocaching.- Ok, technically it is not geocaching, but that is what the library calls it. It is really a scavenger hunt, but I think the girls will enjoy it and it will help them to learn where everything is in the library's new building.
6) Take a walk with the kids 3 times this week, weather permitting, or go to the YMCA if weather is not conducive to walking.- We all can use the exercise and if we end up at the Y, the kids can exercise there too.
7) Write up a class description and biography for continuing education courses I want to teach.- I am still putting thought into this so I do not want to mention what I am thinking of offering.
8) Continue cleaning out the e-mails.- I think it will take another 2-3 weeks, but I made siginificant progress this week.
9) Clean and out and declutter under bathroom sink.- I am working on decluttering the bathroom, one step at a time.
10) Make a special lunch for my son's first day of Pre-K, and the girls' not-back-to-school picnic.
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