Monday, November 3, 2008

Simply Sunday (on Monday): Family Time

I apologize for yet another late posting. I am still fighting an antibiotic-resistant double ear infection and still trying to catch up both on my blogs and around the house. We are also preparing to move in 3 weeks so things may continue to fall behind over the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

I am a SAHM to four wonderful, but very active young children. My dear husband works 2 jobs, 1 full-time and 1 part-time, in order to allow me this opportunity. His part-time job is in a retail store so as the holidays approach, he gets so many hours it is almost as though he is working 2 full-time jobs and he often works 7 days a week. This is why family time is so precious to us. Even during the non-busy times of the year, he usually has to request time off from his part-time job if we want to do something as a whole family. This past week, he took off several evenings so that we could do Halloween activities as a family. I really enjoy having my husband around and I know how much he misses spending time with the children. He will be taking the police officer exam next week for the city and we are hoping and praying that it all works out so that we can go back to being a "normal" family again. I love watching the kids interact with their daddy and I love seeing the joy he gets from it as well. I have plenty of time with the kids and I even have a decent amount of time with my husband when he gets home at night, but the kids and him only see each other for a few minutes in the morning and on the occasional night he has off. Well, this seems to have turned into a poor us post, not what I intended. It is supposed to be a gratitiude post for the family time we do have, but when I think about that time, it makes me want more of it. For those of you who do have the opportunity to have regular family time, cherish it and make the most of it. Prioritize outside activities so that family time is not sacrificed in vain.

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