Sunday, September 2, 2012

Goal update and goals for this week

Here is an update of last week's goals:

1) Make gifts for Cameron's teachers- When I gathered the stuff I needed, I realized I was missing one of the key ingredients.  I did do the parts I could and will finish these tomorrow evening.  I am taking them off the list, even though they are not done, because I NEED to finish them by Wednesday morning and, aside from going to the store, they will only take about 15 minutes (or less) to finish.

2) De-clutter and organize "my corner". -I failed on this one as well, but I did get it half-way done.  I will carry this goal over to next week.

3) Finish cleaning out and organizing the medicine cabinets.-

4) Take the kids to the science museum and planetarium.

5) Complete 2 lesson plans.- I didn't even get 1 completed, but I am going to work on them tonight until I have both done.  I am removing this from the goal list, but it may come back another time,

6) Finish reading Inescapable .- Read the review here.

7) Read Asher of Bethlehem: The Story of a Young Beggar, His Best Friend, and the Birth of an Extraordinary Child with the kids.- I decided to create a lesson plan to go with this book, so it is taking us a bit longer to get through it.  We are half way done now and I will be carrying this goal over to this week so we can get it done.

8) Finish reading The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.

9) Continue cleaning out my e-mails.- I cleared out a ton of e-mail.  I still have a bunch to go, but I am making progress.  Some have asked why I don't just delete the whole bunch of them.  Here is why: this week, I came across an e-mail from October 2010.  It was payment for a blog post I had written and then forgot about the e-giftcard they were supposed to send.  It was for a significant amount so I am glad I did not just do a mass delete.  This will also carry over.

10) Bake 2 loaves of bread this week.- I did not get this done in the manner I wanted, but the dough is rising now for 2 loaves and I will bake them this evening.  I had hoped to bake the 2 loaves on different days, but this works for me too.  I can't cross the goal off yet, but it will be done by tonight so I am not carrying it over.

Now for this week's goals:

1) De-clutter and organize "my corner".- See note above

2) Finish reading Asher of Bethlehem: The Story of a Young Beggar, His Best Friend, and the Birth of an Extraordinary Child with the kids and finish the lesson plan to go with it.

3) Read The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage.- This is also a book by Dr. Laura and I am reading it in the  perpetual effort to improve my relationship with my husband.  This is not to say we have a bad marriage, just that I think there is always room for growth, even in the best relationships.

4) Write 4 non-sponsored/non-review blog posts.- This may seem lofty in light of the lack of posting I have done over the past several months, but I think I can do it.

5) Take the older girls to the local library for geocaching.- Ok, technically it is not geocaching, but that is what the library calls it.  It is really a scavenger hunt, but I think the girls will enjoy it and it will help them to learn where everything is in the library's new building.

6) Take a walk with the kids 3 times this week, weather permitting, or go to the YMCA if weather is not conducive to walking.-  We all can use the exercise and if we end up at the Y, the kids can exercise there too.

7) Write up a class description and biography for continuing education courses I want to teach.- I am still putting thought into this so I do not want to mention what I am thinking of offering.

8) Continue cleaning out the e-mails.- I think it will take another 2-3 weeks, but I made siginificant progress this week.

9) Clean and out and declutter under bathroom sink.- I am working on decluttering the bathroom, one step at a time.

10) Make a special lunch for my son's first day of Pre-K, and the girls' not-back-to-school picnic.

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